Evaluate your incident management and service request management maturity with our quick and easy self-assessment.

Why should you take the Incident Management and Service Request Management Self-Assessment

  • Optimize Response Times: An Incident Management and Service Request Management assessment helps identify bottlenecks in current processes, leading to faster and more efficient response times to incidents and service requests.
  • Enhance Customer Satisfaction: By identifying improvement areas in the overall management of incidents and service requests, the assessment lays the groundwork for higher satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Reduce Operational Costs: The assessment uncovers inefficiencies and redundant practices, enabling the implementation of cost-effective solutions that streamline operations and reduce unnecessary expenses.
  • Improve Service Quality: Through a thorough evaluation of existing Incident Management and Service Request Management practices, the assessment highlights areas for improvement, resulting in higher quality services and more reliable IT support.

Answer 9 simple questions and get your unique score in the blink of an eye, for free!


Guidelines for the Incident Management and Service Request Management Self-Assessment

The answers to each question indicate the maturity level of the process specifications. Evaluate each process against the defined criteria and select the level that best aligns with your current practices. You can refer to the below image for the descriptions of the maturity levels.

    1. How well-defined and documented is the Incident Management process?

    2. Are incidents prioritized based on impact and urgency?

    3. Does the organization have automated remediation capabilities for common or repetitive issues?

    4. How well defined is the process for managing problems and identifying root causes?

    5. How effectively are root causes of problems identified and addressed?

    6. How effectively are lessons learned from incidents and problems captured and shared?

    7. How is the performance of Incident and Problem Management assessed?

    8. How well does the organization monitor and react to security events and incidents?

    9. How dependable and proactive are the processes for alerting and notifying about critical events?

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    You will receive your Incident Management and Service Request Management score along with the details of your current maturity model. You can also book a consultation with our IT experts to deep-dive into the semantics of your score and explore the next action steps.

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